Insomniac's Shit List

An off-shoot of the Insomniac Tirade empire, this is where I list the shit that loosens my tenuous grasp on the social graces. For a saccharine antidote, see Insomniac Baby

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Category: Stuff I Have No Control Over

(The sub-text here is that I am being overwhelmed by frustration at a situation for which is no single cause. I get overcome by a pointless and impotent rage as there is really nothing on which I can vent my spleen. This means that any minor irritant has the potential to catalyse an utterly irrational and disproportionate reaction. Beware!)

Item One (added 19 October 2004)
A concrete example: this morning, it took 15 minutes for the bus to cross a junction that would have taken 2 minutes to cross on foot - even if I had waited for the little green man. This was not the fault of the bus driver, nor even any of the other drivers at that junction. Nor was it purely because it was raining and in the middle of rush hour. There were too many factors converging at once to be able to get suitably and appropriately annoyed at any single one of them. And that pisses me off


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